A-Reece and AKA actually did a song?

So DJ Zan-D recently came out on Twitter to announce that A-Reece and AKA did actually work together on a song.

A-Reece and AKA did a song together
A-Reece and the late AKA.

DJ Zan-D made a tweet in which he posted a screenshot of DJ Malefactor’s Facebook post that was made on Wednesday 22 February 2023, DJ Zan-D captioned the screenshot with the following;

Below is DJ Malefactor’s Facebook post;

But there is an initial Facebook post that was made by DJ Malefactor on Friday 1 April 2022, in which he says;

And then recently on Saturday 11 February 2023, just a day after AKA’s demise, DJ Malefactor made another Facebook post in which he says;

And still, on Saturday 11 February 2023, DJ Malefactor followed up with his earlier Facebook post that was made way back in April of 2022 as he posted;

Well, I’m not so familiar with DJ Malefactor as I just got to know about him a couple of months back.

However, it seems like he has had a song with A-Reece and AKA since April of 2022, which is a year ago.

Now I think in order to confirm that the song is real, DJ Malefactor needs to post a snippet first, because as it stands right now, most people think he is not telling the truth.

I mean even the well-established music producer, Zadok, who worked closely with AKA seems not to be fully convinced about the song.

Now Zadok even responded to DJ Zan-D tweet by saying, hmm with a thinking emoji face.

So either Zadok is just as confused as we are or he disagrees that the song is actually there.

But if this song is indeed out there, it clearly wasn’t meant to be on ‘Mass Country’, it probably didn’t fit the theme of the album which is why it probably didn’t make the cut.

But either way, hopefully we do get to the song one day, considering that it is A-Reece and AKA, I mean the fans have been longing for a song from them together, so hopefully this does get released.

And with that said, are you one of A-Reece’s fans or music fans in general who feel really hurt over A-Reece not making it onto ‘Mass Country’?

And what do you make of there being a potential song with AKA and A-Reece on it, should it be released or you are okay without it?

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