Ex Global reveals why ‘The Wrecking Crew’ split

Twitter was in a bit of a frenzy over the past few days with fans debating who had a better music catalog between South African hip hop groups, ‘The Wrecking Crew’ and ‘CashTime’.

CashTime members
CashTime members.

Now this actually developed into fans conducting a versus on Twitter between the two crews, which is actually crazy to witness.

Now Twitter is a platform where people share their thoughts and opinions and Vusi from London, England tweeted the following on the matter;

Obviously, ‘CashTime’ was a bigger crew than ‘The Wrecking Crew’, as they had all the backing behind them compared to The Wrecking Crew who were a bunch of millennials impacting the hip-hop game with no backing behind them.

Ex Global - South African rapper, and singer
Ex Global – South African rapper, and singer.

So the above was an ignorant tweet from the Twitter user, Vusi, and it actually caught the attention of rapper Ex Global who decided to go on a crazy rant tweeting key information about The Wrecking Crew.

Ex Global first went on to tweet;

Now I just have to say that R100,000 for rent is crazy money, but anyways Ex Global still continued by tweeting;

Music curator, journalist, and commentator, Uber Eatzz then replied to Ex Global by tweeting;

Uber Eatzz further tweeted;

Ex Global then responded to Uber Eatzz’s tweets by tweeting;

Ex Global still went on to tweet;

Now all respect to The Wrecking Crew but even if they were still together to this day, amapiano would have dominated the industry nonetheless.

The Wrecking Crew members
The Wrecking Crew members.

Ex Global further continued by tweeting;

Now in regard to the statements that Ex Global tweeted, a Twitter user with the handle @unathidd commented by tweeting;

To which Ex Global replied by tweeting;

Now if that was really the case, splitting that amount amongst more than 15 dudes makes no financial sense, and I only say this because I highly doubt that everyone was involved in the crew being a huge success compared to the main members like A-Reece, MashBeatz, Flvme, Ex Global, Mellow and Ecco the Beast.

Another Twitter user with the handle @ego_xander, also replied to one of Ex Global’s tweets by tweeting;

Ex Global then responded to the above Twitter user by tweeting;

Well, this is not the first time I have heard that Jay Jody kicked A-Reece out of his house, which is unfortunate but we do not know what the dynamics of their relationship were during that time.

However, I suggest that you guys go and watch episode 14 of the podcast ‘Choppin It With Bhuda T’ in which Jay Jody was the guest, as you will probably get a better insight into the situation.

Now Ex Global further continued by tweeting;

Ex Global followed up by tweeting;

He continued by tweeting;

And he still continued by tweeting;

At this point, another Twitter user, Ashly Austin from Polokwane asked Ex Global the following by tweeting;

Ex Global responded to Ashly Austin’s above tweet by tweeting;

Ex Global then concluded by tweeting;

Now Ex Global revealed a lot about the crew, from them earning R65,000 at a gig, to paying R100,000 in rent which is ridiculous in my opinion, to housing both A-Reece and Flvme when Jay Jody kicked A-Reece out, as well as leaving The Wrecking Crew and not wanting anything in return.

Now not to sound nosy, but I am just glad that we got a better insight into how The Wrecking Crew’s dynamics were, it is apparent that a lot went down between the members of The Wrecking Crew but maybe the split was for the best.

And with all that, you guys let me know your thoughts on this. Based on the things that Ex Global said, does it sound far-fetched or do you believe him?

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