MashBeatz reveals why he left A-Reece

On one of these recent episodes of ‘Choppin It With Bhuda T’, episode 12 to be exact, the host Zingah sat down with MashBeatz.

MashBeatz reveals why he left A-Reece
MashBeatz and A-Reece.

Now throughout the episode, the pair discussed various topics from MashBeatz’s come-up and how he first linked up with A-Reece, to The Wrecking Crew’s impact on the South African hip-hop industry, to discovering Thato Saul and actually collaborating with him on the 2021 mixtape, ‘If You Know, You Know’, as well as how ‘Never Ride’ came about and how it changed everything for him for the better.

Watch the ‘Never Ride’ official music video below;

So it is really an in-depth interview and we actually got to learn a lot about MashBeatz, which I appreciated.

Now besides the above topics, MashBeatz also discussed why he really separated from A-Reece.

MashBeatz mentioned a few things in the interview that I found interesting, firstly he mentioned that throughout his relationship with A-Reece, they never really had proper conversations.

I guess they never had those types of conversations to have whenever there is tension, or a misunderstanding to essentially clear the air and get on the same page.

As gentlemen, we tend to avoid such conversations usually because we don’t like to communicate how we feel and we just find it unnecessary.

In terms of MashBeatz and A-Reece, that might have been the case where instead of having those tough conversations even when they had the opportunity to do so, grinding through the music was a better distraction.

Now another reason why MashBeatz left is that during the initial stages of the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020, he lost his dear mother, which I can’t even imagine, I mean a loss of a mother is something we all don’t want to experience and you hear MashBeatz in the interview say that it was a tough period for him.

I mean MashBeatz felt like he was alone and didn’t get any support from anyone, especially from the homies which I find very unfortunate. I guess this was an eye-opener for him since he realized that he had to do things on his own and pursue his career as a solo act.

I don’t want to get into A-Reece and the crew not being there for MashBeatz in his time of need, because we really don’t know the circumstances of the situation.

I mean I can speak for all of us by saying that the pandemic was a tough time for all of us and I’m sure that must have been the case for A-Reece as well considering that he also lost his father during the same time, it couldn’t have been easy for the gents.

But unfortunately, MashBeatz is holding no resentment towards A-Reece and the crew, and he doesn’t mind pulling up on any of them to link up and connect like they once did in the past.

As he said, he had genuine love for A-Reece, plus he is in a good place right now being considered as arguably one of the best record producers right now in the South African hip hop industry, and I’m sure that adds to the peace and healing process he’s currently working through.

Now in terms of the relationship between him and A-Reece, it is still unresolved but MashBeatz has stated on two occasions that it is a case of reconciling, then all it takes is a conversation between the two of them, I guess those types of proper conversations he spoke about during this interview that they (him and A-Reece) always avoided.

Now in terms of that ever taking place, it is just a case of being patient and allowing for time to run its course, so they do eventually link up and reconnect.

With all that said, I encourage you guys to tap in and watch ‘Choppin It With Bhuda T’, I mean he has the best hip-hop podcast in South Africa right now alongside ‘The Sobering Podcast’.

So if you are a fan of South African hip hop and you want to hear some dope conversations from your favourite artists, then make to check out the ‘Choppin It With Bhuda T’.

And with all that said, you can watch the entire interview below as the soft spoke record producer explains what happened;

Now guys let me know your thoughts on this, what do you make of A-Reece and the crew not being there for MashBeatz in his time of need?

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