Shane Eagle hints at dropping a new project

Shane Eagle - South African rapper and producer
Shane Eagle – South African rapper and producer.

A few weeks ago, Shane Eagle hinted at potentially releasing a new project titled ‘JTHY’.

Now I’m not sure what those letters stand for, maybe you guys may inform me but either way it looks like Shane Eagle is releasing once again.

Shane Eagle’s previous album ‘Green’ did not have the best reception from fans and listeners alike and he didn’t help himself by not promoting it or giving it a proper rollout.

Hopefully, with this project, we will get to see him take a different approach and actually put in the required and necessary effort that a music project from him would deserve.

Below is Shane Eagles Instagram post about his new potential music project.

I mean Shane Eagle is one of the top rappers in South Africa in South Africa in my opinion, so I want to see him silence the doubters and haters with his next effort because all the slander he has been getting needs to be shut down.

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